Indications for the Registration

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Posts: 520
Joined: 17. Feb 2019, 15:06

Indications for the Registration

Post by mvanderschaeghe » 19. Feb 2019, 13:20

Each Member of the EOS e.V. (or Budokai Bonn e.V. ,TSV Bonn rrh. 1897/07 e.V.- Ju-Jitsu, Team Jigoku Germany, Team Jigoku and friends) has to register himself for full functionality.
Specially Non-Members will get a Guest-account with smaller rights and views.

The username is always the first letter from the givennamen followed by the surname !

p.e.: mmustermann

The signature is always the titel and the givenname and surname !

p.e.: Sensei Markus Mustermann

Each member can choose a language for his menue (via profile):
  • German
  • English
It is possible that mails from the board could be declared as SPAM.
Please configure your mail-client !
Saiko Shihan Marcel Vanderschaeghe

25th Combination Seminar

Zitat Shaky: "Du kannst hohe Anforderungen an sie haben, aber keine hohen Erwartungen!"
Zitat Shaky: "Ich glaub ich bekomme einen Tinitus..ich höre nur "MMIMIMIMIMI" !"

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